
GUEST POST: 6 Super Foods for Fabulous Skin
As the saying goes, “you are what you eat!” It’s no secret a healthy diet can do wonders for skin, but did you know there are specific foods out there that offer a super serving of vitamins, miner...
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Guest Post: Natural, Radiant Skin. Your Ultimate Skin Care Routine Checklist!
At one point or another, we’ve all been in awe of the flawless skin of a celebrity in a magazine. But that skin’s probably been airbrushed to within an inch of its life, right? Perhaps. But someti...
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Guest Post: The Best Tips on How to Achieve Glowy Skin Through Makeup
Introducing Toni Malt from the Toni Malt Makeup Academy. Toni is a leading international editorial makeup artist who has worked for the top fashion magazines around the world. Today, Toni very gen...
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